We are excited to announce online Membership registration! Smile Joining the PTSA is easier than ever.  First, join our website, if you haven't already, and then just click the "Get/Renew PTSA Membership" button on the left menu bar.   For the 2013-2014 school year, Family membership is $22.50 and includes 2 free Woodmoor phone directories. Individual membership is $12.50 and includes 1 free Woodmoor phone directory.  If you would still like to fill out a paper form, there will be one in the First Day packet, or you can just grab a form from the PTSA bulletin board and fill it out and send it in.  Another simple way of signing up is to download the PTSA membership form and send it to your child's teacher.  Many thanks to all Woodmoor families who have joined already. Your support helps enrich the educational programs and activities offered here at Woodmoor Elementary.

>> Contact the Membership Chair

>> Download the membership form

>> Learn why you should join a Washington State PTA?