What is the 5th Grade Committee?

  • 5th-grade students and parents working together to fundraise throughout the year

  • Funds raised will go toward the end-of-the-year graduation party and for students' keepsake sweatshirts.

  • Parents work together to plan the end-of-the-year graduation party.


Contact: Amy Robinson (robinson.amyp@gmail.com)


How Do You Plan to Fund Raise?

  • Sell refreshments at planned movie nights - January 24th Sign Up
  • Have an idea to share? Add it to our shared document!


Our Fund Raising Goal

  • $3,500.00

How can you help?

  • Join a Committee
  • Help fundraise and plan events.

Don't Have Time but Want to Help Financially?

Donate Today!

($35 Suggested Donation)