Volunteer Training

We have scheduled 3 volunteer training sessions for anyone who would like to volunteer at Woodmoor.   

We would really like to encourage anyone who volunteers to attend!
  • Monday, September 30th at 2:30pm
  • Wednesday, October 2nd at 9:30am
  • Tuesday, October 8th at 3:15pm 
Please check in at the front desk & you will be directed to the training
Current Opportunities:
Library Volunteers - Sign up to help check out books during your child's class library time - only a 45 minute commitment weekly or bi-weekly

Northshore Library Volunteer Agreement


If you'd like to be notified as volunteer opportunities arise, please contact Amber Rosenquist.

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who participated in Community Serve Day to help prepare Woodmoor for a fantastic start the new school year! 

Note: NSD volunteer paperwork, background checks, and library volunteer agreement, must be completed before you may volunteer.


Be sure to check in and out at the front office when visiting the school.